Why Do Positive Thoughts Have More Influence Than Negative Thoughts According To The Law Of Attraction?

The science and theory behind “The Feeling Is The Secret”

The Aesthetics Of Everything
3 min readJun 5, 2023
Photo by MARK ADRIANE on Unsplash

A plausible hypothesis for why positive emotions are more attractive than negative ones could be that the emotional quality of a positive thought creates an atmospheric/environmental effect of increased harmony, whereas the negative emotions associated with negative thoughts create an atmosphere of discord. Hear me out!

Imagine that the whole universe is essentially akin to a postal delivery service that brings to the manifestor whatever thought they hold in their awareness.

Now, imagine that this postal service’s internal systems of management and the roads on which their delivery vans travel can either be in complete disarray, or working together completely harmoniously. In which scenario do you think your package will get to you sooner?

Empirical Evidence For the Law Of Attraction, And The Body As The Path Of Least Resistance

Evidence for the hypothesis outlined above can be seen in how the body itself responds to both positive and negative thoughts and emotions.

Recent scientific discoveries coming from the labs of Dr Joe Dispenza have demonstrated the profound healing effect that positive emotions can have upon the body, and equally how destructive negative emotions can be.

Experiments in his book Becoming Supernatural suggest that an empirically measurable state of psychological and physiological wellbeing known as “heart-brain coherence” can be passed onto other people who are sitting in the same room as the person who has entered into heart-brain coherence.

This transmission of the state of heart-brain coherence suggests that our internal emotional states radiate outwards and propagate throughout our environment, affecting it in ways which mirror the harmonious or discordant qualities of the thoughts and emotions that we are experiencing.

Taking the self-healing implications of Joe’s Experiments a step further; it is no secret that having blissful daydreams about eating the icecream in your fridge even though it’s 3 o’clock in the morning can often result in physical impulses within the body that can be extremely difficult to fight. I hypothesize that this could essentially be the law of attraction working to bring your mental visualisations to your physical senses, using your body as the path of least resistance in order to accomplish this task.

And if this is true, then you could probably make an argument that the basis for a lot of addictions is the repeating intrusive thoughts which cause the addict to reminisce and day dream about a particular substance of abuse, creating a powerful force of attraction. Perhaps, if you find a way to remove those thoughts, then the cravings might cease altogether, leaving the addict with some chemical withdrawal symptoms, but no urges.

The Upside To Negative Emotions Causing Environmental Disharmony

The upside to the idea that negative emotions propagate systemic discord is that whenever you are having negative, fearful thoughts about something that you don’t want, the “postal service” that is trying to deliver your visualisations to you is going to have to deal with the traffic on all the roads devolving into absolute chaos. So it’s going to have a much harder time of getting your delivery to your front door. But that’s a good thing!


The law of attraction is an incredibly mysterious and slippery thing to pin down. There are as many detractors for it’s existence as there are promoters. However, through the empirically observable relationship that the mind has with the body, we are slowly beginning to uncover the ways in which positive and negative emotions can have tangible physical impact on their local environment, and these observations are starting to become an undeniable reality as they permeate into mainstream academia.

I believe that the next step would be to engage the idea that the perceived separation between the body and the external environment is perhaps an illusion, and that thoughts and emotions have the power not only to influence the internal environment of our bodies, but also our external environments!



The Aesthetics Of Everything
The Aesthetics Of Everything

Written by The Aesthetics Of Everything

Complex harmony is everywhere. Complex harmony is everything.

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