This Could Be The Biggest Thing Blocking Your Manifestations

Are you trying too hard?

The Aesthetics Of Everything
6 min readApr 17, 2024
Photo by Elizeu Dias on Unsplash

Look in the mirror at yourself.

The human form in it’s totality is one of the most complicated systems in the known universe, if not the most complicated.

Did you construct any aspect of your biology consciously?

Do any of your biological processes operate through your will alone?

If you stopped willing them to, would your biological processes cease to function?

99.999% of what the human body does, does not happen because of conscious thought and intention.

Healing, digesting, growing, falling asleep, etc. All of these are completely unconscious processes that just happen for us.

99% of our daily activities obey this same rule. We are on autopilot a great deal of the time. People wake up in their cars after driving for hundreds of miles with little to no conscious memory of the past few hours.

These aspects of our physiology that operate autonomously are taken for granted. We don’t have to make an effort to trust them.

However, the same cannot be said about our natural ability to attain our desires.

The core teachings on manifestation all suggest that it’s this lack of total trust in the innate, autonomous, unconscious intelligence of the microcosm of the body and the macrocosm of the universe which creates disharmony and friction.

The will does have it’s place in the picture, otherwise we wouldn’t have one. But understanding the exact role of the will and what it’s true duty is, is one of the key lessons along the path of individuation. It’s a lesson that encompasses self love and love of others.

Vibration is the key. Raising our vibration will attract to us everything we authentically desire. The only thing we need to focus on in order to attract our desires is raising our vibration.

Our overall emotional wellbeing is one of the core metrics through which we can intuitively discern our vibration. Through making choices which make us authentically happy, we will be raising our vibration.

Raising your vibration involves cleaning up and polishing every aspect of your life to make it as healthy and harmonious as it can possibly be.

Sometimes people find this difficult and hold onto a certain level of self-generated suffering in their lives because they are attached to it and fear the consequences of letting it go. A concrete example of this would be a job that pays well, but that is extremely stressful and largely unenjoyable. A leap of faith towards a lower-paying but more authentic career would be the correct choice in this situation. For most people, and with every individual context taken into account.

A lot of people are in these types of situations for all sorts of reasons which will take time to untangle. An example of this would be having children or a family that you need to financially support. In a situation like this it takes a mixture of trust and attunement with yourself to be able to gradually make changes in your lifestyle and career which lead you to more authentic happiness and fulfilment while also reducing stress.

When we focus on raising our vibration by looking holistically at our life and gradually making changes that bring us more health and happiness, we are on an inevitable collision course with our desired authentic manifestations because our energy will be rising and will get channelled towards what we enjoy, a process that organically leads us to our dreams.

We will probably start off with dreams and desires that are not actually authentic to us, but these will gradually be erased and replaced with our true desires through the process of constantly paying attention to what really makes us happier and healthier and what doesn’t.

The miracle stories that we hear about manifestation are born from psychological and physiological states that people attain which are extremely high vibrational in nature.

Bliss, optimism and contentment all seem to be catalysts for synchronicities to occur. Synchronicity is the engine which powers manifestation. When we organise our internal and external spaces to achieve as much harmony as possible, this harmony radiates outward and attracts phenomena of a similar frequency. It is in these moments of synchronistic frequential alignment that quantum jumps can be made between reality timelines.

My hope with this article is to try and drastically simplify the process of manifestation. In my opinion, someone who is engaged in doing the most advanced form of manifestation practice should more or less look and behave like someone who is just doing their best to live a healthy normal life and do what they enjoy.

Vision boarding, intentional visualisation, scripting, and all the other exercises that people do are probably entirely unnecessary, don’t seem to get to the true core of how to actually manifest and, on top of that, don’t tell you how to manifest things that will actually make you happy.

One of the core, foundational components of manifestation is trust in the intelligence of the universe. The reason why this is such a key component is because this trust in the universe is one of the core spiritual teachings which allows people to maintain optimism in the face of adversity. A mustard seed of faith in universal intelligence allows people to believe that everything they have experienced, both positive and negative, has been for a reason and a higher purpose that their human mind might not be able to understand.

Spiritual belief systems such as faith in a benevolent, guiding universal intelligence has been scientifically proven to make people happier and more resilient. And being happier and more resilient is just another way of saying that they can hold a higher vibration. And holding the highest vibration you can is the key to manifestation.

Our western, predominantly atheistic society doesn’t endorse the kind of deep, unshakeable spiritual faith and optimism that I am advocating for here, and this is a large part of the problem. Most people have been conditioned to have a cynical worldview filled with lack beliefs and unfortunate compromises.

According to many spiritual teachers though, the universe is naturally bountiful. This is known as the law of abundance.

The universe appears to be so carefully, intelligently and lovingly constructed as to completely negate even the idea of compromise.

A great example of this is the idea that helping oneself is the best way to help the world.

It’s easy to see how only focusing on helping yourself could be considered selfish, but this is due to misconceptions about what it means and requires to truly “help” yourself.

Someone who only focuses on helping themselves as much as possible will soon realise that they are inseparable from their environment and will need to coexist harmoniously with it in order to live their happiest life. It will only be through conscious cooperation with other people that the individual can attain their highest fulfilment. In doing so they have no choice but to benefit themselves and others simultaneously. Making our own lives better and making the lives of others better are inseparably tied.

“So why is there so much lack in the world if the universe is abundant?” The problem is not with the universe at large, it’s in the minds of people.

While the universe might be naturally abundant in nature, people’s mindsets might not be. And we see examples of this all over the planet and especially in large, powerful organisations such as governments and financial institutions like banks. These organisations are often run by people who lack spiritual belief systems, and so believe in lack.

This belief in lack causes them to hoard wealth and steal as much of it up as they can, because they are worried that if they don’t use underhanded strategies in order to attain abundance, then abundance will never find them. It is these individuals and their belief systems which are influencing the lives of the masses, and projecting an illusory psychological veil of lack onto an innately abundant world.

But since the universe is infinitely abundant, there will always be enough to go around. And it is the duty of those of us who are spiritually in tune to use the abundance that is still available to us (which might appear small but is still infinite) in order to destroy the illusions of the old world and create a new world in which we are born free.



The Aesthetics Of Everything
The Aesthetics Of Everything

Written by The Aesthetics Of Everything

Complex harmony is everywhere. Complex harmony is everything.

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