The Heart Of A Master
Meditations on the way of right effort
Before you set out on your adventure remember the following:
There will be many wins and losses along the path. Big and small. On and off the battlefield. It is never expected of a warrior to win every battle, that is simply an impossibility. Instead, the best a warrior can do in the face of defeat is to lose gracefully and with respect intact for self and opponent.
When the artist is painting, it is not on his shoulders to produce a masterpiece. The placing of these expectations upon the artist is like placing concrete on top of soil. The artist must aspire to perfection, yet abstain from perfectionism.
It is essential for the archer to treat practice like competition and competition like practice. When there is no trace left of mental distinction between competition and practice, then the archer will improve at the fastest pace and always perform at his best.
When a driver is racing, There is no shame in spinning out and losing control completely of the vehicle. Pushing too hard and suffering as a result is essential for ascertaining one’s own limits.
And for the body builder, they must rest as hard as they train.
Although you may siege many castles, create many masterpieces and win many races, you must never at any point become attached to and identified with victory, as it is not something under your direct control and your status as victor can be revoked at any given moment.
Simply be content with striving for it’s own sake, in what ever domain makes your heart sing it’s sweetest song, and you will always rest in glory. Regardless of victory or defeat.