Struggling To Trust The Universe? Read This!

How to align yourself with the universal forces

The Aesthetics Of Everything
3 min readJan 4, 2023
Photo by Wonderlane on Unsplash

Can you put down the coffee and trust that all of the energy and focus you’re searching for will still find you? Perhaps more slowly, but in vastly greater quantities?

Can you put away the chocolate or the cigarettes, trusting that bliss and happiness will instantly be magnetised to you now that you have stopped searching for it? Seeking only unconsciously affirms scarcity. Blocking you from your manifestations.

Can you stop overworking yourself and be empty, trusting that when it’s the right time, divine inspiration will pour through you effortlessly like light filtering through leaves?

Can you stop distracting yourself with social media and entertainment in the knowledge that an object of true and authentic fascination will be waiting for you somewhere near along your path?

Can you let go of worries for a moment and accept that maybe it’s your resistance that is causing the problems, and that this universe thing you’re a part of is far more complicated, mysterious, beautiful and benevolent than you could ever try to understand or predict?

Can you stop trying to change yourself unnecessarily, stop being ashamed, stop hiding what makes you unique, and simply love yourself fully and share all of what makes you unique and special with the world?

Can you let go of all aspirations for success, fame and fortune and fully occupy yourself with perfecting the present moment? A practice that will paradoxically bring you everything you ever wanted while simultaneously destroying all superfluous wants or needs for anything but the present moment.

Can you leave that person alone, content that in most circumstances he or she will get the help or comeuppance they deserve without the need for your entanglement?

Stop trying to eat fruit before it is ripe.

Stop picking at scabs.

Trust that the same forces that created the incredible complexity of the universe out of nothing exist within you. They don’t need your brain’s help. All your brain could possibly do is get in the way.

Listen deeply to the signals in your heart and soul and be led. Gracefully Glide through the path of least resistance. Find the path of true balance and beauty. find the path of true intelligence. Embrace your real, unquantifiable, untamed and innate genius. Not some bullshit IQ score. Love your Self with a capital L and capital S.

The human mind is not more intelligent than the primordial intelligence behind all things. How could it be? Without the primordial intelligence, the human mind would not exist.

Spiritual growth and alignment is not about doing more. In many cases it is about doing less. As simple animals, humans are already perfect as they are. Evil creeps in through the mind. Through it’s half-baked, materialistic attempts at sense-making with only 5 senses, when there is so much more to reality than what can currently be observed.

If you want to know the universe, see it with your soul, not with your eyes and ears.

Things didn’t just evolve through random chance. It’s all a work of divinely orchestrated synchronicity. Like the birth of a child, it’s a process that unfolds naturally, at it's own pace. There is simply no forcing it, that would be an absurd idea.

So what can you do?

Love yourself for where you’re at right now. Love yourself like the universe loves you. In Hinduism, a name for god is the Divine Mother. Let the Divine Mother nurture you.

You do this by simply relaxing your mind and body and doing only what is necessary in any given moment. Make no unnecessary movements. Hold no unnecessary beliefs.

Which means no negative thoughts. If a thought causes you to feel a strong, negative emotion, call that thought out for what it is: a perversion of the human intellect that thinks it’s the authority on everything. Instead, replace that thought with 5 other positive thoughts and this will realign you with the universal truth that everything is happening for you, not to you, and that you are loved, cared for, free and infinite.

Do I know for certain if everything in this article is the truth? No, not at all.

But it might be.

And if it is, I want to experience it.

Don’t you as well?



The Aesthetics Of Everything
The Aesthetics Of Everything

Written by The Aesthetics Of Everything

Complex harmony is everywhere. Complex harmony is everything.

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