These TWO WORDS Are All You Need To Become ENLIGHTENED
Enough with all of the books and lectures. Fully Understand and internalise these two words and you will never need to consume any other source of spiritual knowledge for the rest of your life.
The idea for this article came from reading the well known book Autobiography of a Yogi.
I’ve been slowly digesting it over the period of about a year, along with some other books. Regardless of whatever else I happen to pick up, Autobiography always feels like my “main book”.
And once you start reading it, it’s not hard to understand why. It’s widely heralded as a classic in the genre of spiritual non-fiction. For good reason too, it tackles the biggest mysteries of human existence, the universe and everything else in an honest, often times comedic and fiercely uncompromising and intellectual way.
However, at the moment I find myself stuck on a particular page, repeatedly rereading it and unable to progress.
Amusingly, the contents of the page deal with the futility and impotence of book-learning and scholarship when it comes to spiritual development.
The page suggests that too much continual book-learning and spiritual scholarship is to the detriment of the spiritual seeker, and that very little in the way of knowledge and teachings is actually required in order for the student to become their own teacher and take the quest for knowledge within themselves.
Instead of continuing on with the book, the author suggests two simple words that can be used as a mantra of sorts in place of all spiritual academia, once the meaning of those two words is fully comprehended.
Before I get to what the two words are, I feel like I should expand a little bit on some concepts that I think are related and foundationally important in order to “get” the power of these two words sufficiently enough for them to be all you need to take with you for the rest of your life.
firstly, I think it’s important to nail the definition of what “God” is, in terms of modern spirituality and religions such as Hinduism.
The word “God” to an awakened person seems to mean something different than what it means to sceptics and atheists. As far as I can tell, from an enlightened perspective, “God” is essentially:
The placeholder name given to a force of infinite, loving intelligence which underlies, sustains, generates and permeates absolutely everything in existence.
I’d like to put emphasis here on “infinite loving intelligence”
It’s important to put emphasis precisely here because according to many mystics; realising, internalising, integrating and embodying this “truth” about the nature of god, and thus the universe is what it means to be enlightened.
Even if the actual nature of reality is something far colder and harsher than this, choosing to believe in this has been scientifically proven to improve mental health and resiliency. If you’re sceptical of this claim, a good place to go to find out more would be the podcast with Lisa Miller and Rich Roll on YouTube, where they dive deep into all of the science behind the positive physical and mental effects that spiritual belief systems can bestow on the believer.
Putting initial scepticism aside for a moment, things get really interesting when we start to humour, explore and expand upon this definition of God as the ultimate positive existentialist hypothesis.
Of course, we don’t know for certain, at least I certainly don’t, that the universe really is made primarily out of infinite loving intelligence. But most gurus who pass the initial test of not being blatant perverts or con-artists all attest that this is the truth. So I guess for that we could tentatively chalk up a point in favour of this hypothesis.
What about all of the suffering that we see in the world? surely that negates this hypothesis straight away?
well, not necessarily.
It’s not too hard to entertain the idea that all of the evil we perceive in the world might be the result of a few fundamentally benevolent yet misunderstood universal laws, and that removing any of these laws would result in a universe which is far more finite and constraining in it’s loving intelligence than the infinite loving intelligence that it’s supposed to be. Sort of like an overbearing parent.
In order to entertain this idea to it’s fullest extent, I'm going to break this big hypothesis down into a bunch of smaller ones that all support each other and make up this larger hypothesis.
- We might all be small, microcosmic, fractal copies of god.
- We forget our true nature so that we can experience the joy of the ultimate journey, which is finding our way back to the truth of our own divinely powerful nature and the nature of the universe.
- Without a universe capable of expressing and manifesting evil, our free will would be severely limited
- Without the contrast of evil, good would not exist
- Without good and evil, things would be far less interesting. It would be like robbing a rose of it’s thorns. Still fragrant and beautiful but less interesting, incomplete, tamed, broken, and no longer truly wild.
- All of the evil isn’t really that bad anyway when you look at it on a large enough time scale and from a cosmic perspective. Any horrors or atrocities that you might go through cease to really matter much or really exist at all once a significant amount of time has passed, (like a few trillion years or so)
- There are very few, if any, good stories that don’t have antagonists and adversities of some description. There’s no hero’s journey without a dragon to slay.
- So if a little evil is a good thing, why not just let it express itself to the fullest extent of it’s spectrum if it so wishes? Afterall, it’s kind of all a cosmic game, and energy cannot be created or destroyed, so even if something truly heinous happens, it’s still kind of just like a puppet show at the end of the day, albeit an extremely immersive one!
I personally think that when we view life from a higher perspective, we can learn to appreciate the trials and tribulations of being human. And the higher we allow our perspective to rise, the more we can see the incredible beauty and strength and transformation that comes from only the darkest of human experiences. Taking this perspective also allows us to see the harmless, impermanent and ethereal nature of all events after a significant amount of time has passed.
So all of the non-obviously-dodgy gurus say that the true underlying nature of the universe is infinite loving intelligence, and even though there is evil in it, we can see and understand it’s purpose in how it allows for full freedom of expression, creation and self-discovery through affording us the opportunity to rise above and overcoming pretty much any conceivable obstacle.
What else can we think of which is for or against this hypothesis that God is infinite loving intelligence that permeates all things?
Well, if that hypothesis was the truth, then why do some people’s lives, especially mine sometimes and perhaps yours too, seem to lack magic?
Where is all of the synchronicity and divine coincidence? Why can life sometimes get so tedious, difficult, sloggy and boring? Why can it sometimes feel like we are being actively suppressed instead of being encouraged to thrive and flourish?
Well the hypothetical answer I have to this question is two-fold.
What if our consciousness is a small, fractal microcosm of God? What if the universe itself is a thought in the mind of God, and what if our thoughts play a small part themselves in creating reality?
When you cut into a piece of holographic material and inspect the cutaway, you will find a lower-resolution representation of the entire hologram.
Perhaps our own consciousnesses mirror this phenomenon. There have been books written about this concept. the most famous one being “The Holographic Universe” by Michael Talbot.
Perhaps, if we are God ourselves at our innermost core, our thoughts will influence reality in a way that we do not yet understand.
Stranger things have been known. Afterall, thoughts are extremely mysterious and highly elusive to science already.
You have extremely famous and highly tenured professors such as John Searle (who came up with The Chinese Room thought experiment) who suggest that the mere act of raising your arm is a act of telekinesis, since at it’s most fundamental description, it is mind and thought somehow interacting with and directly controlling matter. An impressive feat even if it’s miraculous nature is somewhat lessened and obscured by it being done through the medium of the body.
Even the concept of “attention” is incredibly poorly understood within neuroscience. Nobody has yet to fully pin down this mysterious poltergeist that roams throughout the hallways of our minds.
So does the brain control itself or does something else control it?
Afterall, the heart doesn’t beat itself, the brain and nervous system are what keeps the heart beating… right?
I bring all of this up just to demonstrate the profound mysteries of consciousness and the mind. To the best of my knowledge and in the eyes of many of the smartest people on the planet, science hasn’t come even remotely close to unravelling the mind’s mysteries.
A large part of the scientific community would seemingly rather do away with the concept of consciousness and free will than entertain the prospect that it might be something to do with yet-to-be discovered properties of a new paradigm of physics.
Even when there are so many holes in what we currently know that it takes a serious commitment to avoiding the impulses of intuition in order to remain entrenched in the materialist paradigm.
I digressed quite a lot there, but it’s all to serve the point that I am trying to make about the mysteries of the human mind. Even when just looked at on the bodily level, with things like the placebo effect, the mind seems handily capable of some truly inexplicable feats.
For all we know, the boundary between the mind and the environment may not be so solid, and perhaps with a suitable medium or substrate, such as quantum mechanics, electromagnetism, or something beyond like William Tiller’s (PhD) idea of “Deltrons”, (theoretical particles which change the physical laws of reality to become much more malleable to thought through intertwining the physical, atom-molecule layer of reality with the electromagnetic/information-layer of reality, and which activate through intense exercise of one’s own conscious will power) thoughts may find ways to escape outside of the confines of the human body and manifest in the world as feats of telekinesis, manifestation or the law of attraction!
If this is the case, then our belief systems and world views might be one of the primary, perhaps the only, source(s) of the obstacles that we come across in our life’s journey.
Perhaps, if you have been brought up in poverty, and have been programmed with a mindset that believes only in scarcity then this is what you will attract, and this system will cyclically self-perpetuate and sustain itself indefinitely until your mindset changes.
If you experience a lot of evil and injustice, perhaps this is because on some level you are extremely fearful of reality and default to the expectation that the universe is inherently hostile. A belief which the universe will happily comply with and reinforce until you replace that belief with something better or worse.
So to conclude the answer to the question of “if the universe is so magical, then where is all the magic?” If you’re not experiencing it, then perhaps it’s because your mindset is blocking it, And this could be because you’re a small, fractal piece of the god-force, which creates through dreaming and whatever you dream will manifest itself. So start dreaming up your perfect reality and see if it comes to you!
You really have nothing to lose by trying this either. even if the law of attraction does not exist, the positive thoughts and emotions associated with strongly held spiritual belief systems have empirically proven mental and physical health benefits, so there is no excuse not to try your hand at having a more positive and magical outlook on life!
Okay so all of this is fine and dandy, but you might be wondering…
Where’s the concrete evidence Mikey? All you’ve done is spewed out a bunch of hypothetical ideas with almost no empirical evidence what so ever to back any of it up.
Well, this lack of evidence isn’t evidence of lack, and the elusive nature of an undeniable, unifying, enlightening, universal, spiritual truth might also be by design.
After all, if I could just show you a chart of statistics that are so compelling that they instantly restructure your world view and habits into alignment with the most enlightened sages of all time, perhaps I would have robbed you of your journey of self-discovery and completely disregarded your free will and the beautiful and perfect pace of your natural evolution. Like pumping a budding flower full of steroids and screaming at it to hurry up and bloom already.
I do realise that this answer is again, another hypothesis with no facts to back it up, but I think it’s important to take a meta-perspective on this issue and really question the nature of empirical evidence and the empirical method itself and examine our potential over-reliance on it.
Afterall, the empirical method itself is born from human intuition. So the ability of intuition to effectively and intelligently hypothesize stands alone and as the progenitor of the empirical method. You could argue that it’s superior, and if done carefully enough, allows for extremely quick acquisition of knowledge, albeit at the cost of empirical certainty.
Before I conclude, I'd just like to ask you a few questions that should help to orient you in a direction that will help you get the most out of the subject of this article.
If the universe really was made out of loving intelligence, and simply complied with your beliefs about it and wishes for it, and you knew this for certain, how differently would you behave?
How much more often would you take leaps of blind faith towards your desires, knowing that you will always be caught gracefully?
What risks are you not taking now, which you know you could take, and which could very possibly slingshot you towards your perfect life?
If you realised that all of the things holding you back were simply figments of your imagination, what would you do?
Have you tried the “seven day mental diet”? If not then how do you know if it works or not? There’s too many variables involved and too much subjectivity at play for scientists to have a chance in hell at proving it or disproving it, but I'm sure that within your own life you will be able to intuitively feel the effects of it more strongly than you are going to believe or disbelieve in any algebraic formulae or pie chart that some egghead could show you.
What was this article about again… oh yeah! The two words! I suppose I should give them to you now.
Hidden within these two words is the ultimate life-affirming truth. They are powerful yet vague enough to apply to any doubt that might arise along the path to your rightful spiritual inheritance of peace, bliss and oneness.
On the rest of your journey, if you ever find yourself losing your faith and lapsing into negativity, come back to these words and remember what they truly could mean.
And those words are
“God Is”