How To Get Downloads From Meditation

The Science And Philosophy Of Channelling

The Aesthetics Of Everything
4 min readJan 15, 2024
Photo by ameenfahmy on Unsplash


It’s not uncommon for spiritual teachers to suggest that meditation is a good way to get an answer to a problem that you’re working on, or more generally, to find and align to your authentic self and experience a divine flow of synchronicities which present a clear right path to you.

However, a lot of people experience resistance at this suggestion and have trouble getting themselves to meditate in times of stress. This is because society has taught us to assume that the consciously-directed, active, problem-solving state of mind is the only channel through which insight can reach us.

From a materialistically-inclined psychological or neuroscientific point of view, it makes sense to assume that an empty mind is not going to produce much of anything. But if we look to some of the secret and sacred teachings of all ages, we can come up with a working hypothesis for why it is that so many people experience profound insights, inspiration and breakthroughs from the practice of silencing their thoughts.


There is a teaching in The Master Key System which suggests that there are two types of mind at play in the universe, the individual mind and the universal mind.

The individual mind is the mind that every human possesses. Beyond it’s physical association to the brain, it’s more important characteristic is an ability to transmute energy into the creative force of thought, a process which we can direct with our will.

Sages, mystics and spiritual teachers of all ages have long suggested that one of man’s greatest burdens is the egoic mind, often characterised as a self-centred, hyper-individualistic, greedy and fearful gremlin which stands between humanity and it’s inevitable future state of grace, dignity and peace.

If the egoic mind has influence over the creative force of thought, then our creative thought energy will be channelled through pathways of a lower nature, returning back to us external experiences of an equally low nature.

One of the most effective ways to start to untangle and uproot this egoic gremlin is to study and understand the spiritual truths of the universe, primarily the law of abundance and the law of attraction, and then use these belief systems in order to defeat the scarcity and fear consciousness of the ego by awaiting, recognising and replacing thoughts of a negative/scarcity-based nature with thoughts of a positive/abundance-based nature.

Doing this work will make it easier to attain a state of relaxation, trust and faith in the infinite intelligence of the universe. This state of relaxation and of letting go is hugely beneficial for anyone who is wanting to seriously practice meditation, because in this state, no longer will we be tempted to intellectually struggle in order to figure out our path towards our desires or away from what dissatisfies us, and instead we will be optimistic and faithful enough to be able to leave all of the mental busywork up to God, or the infinite intelligent force which permeates all things.


When we silence our mind, we stop the flow of creative thought-energy which usually pours through the filter of our egoic mind and paints our external reality in the colours of our ego.

This cessation of our own, less intelligent creative instinct creates space for the omnipresent, omnipotent and omniscient creative force of infinite intelligence to take over.

While the universal mind is more powerful than our own mind, it operates in a much more subtle, somewhat feminine way, which allows our more masculine-polarized smaller individual mind to take precedence over the universal mind. We experience this in the form of willpower or active manifestation through visualisation techniques.

However, when we quiet our individual mind, we begin to neutralise our individual mind’s influence over our external reality. This is not such a bad thing because the desires and behaviours of the individual mind are often at odds with the desires of the universal mind, which simply wants the best for all. When the desires and habits of the individual mind are at extreme odds or incompatible with those of the universal mind, then ourselves and our environments experience disharmony and pain.

Since universal mind permeates and organises all matter, it also exists inside your brain/mind. It’s power is usually relegated to the force that orchestrates the miraculously complicated dance of biology. But through the quieting of our mind’s chatter, we can invite the universal mind to take command of our thoughts and reorganise them in a way which is more harmonious with the universe at large. This process often results in what are known as “downloads”. A download is the outcome of a period of synchronisation between universal and individual mind.


It’s important to purify your lifestyle as much as possible before attempting to receive downloads. If you attempt meditation on a morning when you haven’t brushed your teeth for instance, you are probably going to get a download telling you to go and do that. This is a silly example, but it’s important to understand.

The universal mind seeks to make harmony and create through you when you allow your mind to silence, and it operates through the path of least resistance. So if you have not been exercising recently, then you might get a download suggesting that you should go for a jog. If you have been ignoring your grandmother’s messages, then maybe it will suggest that you message her back. etc, etc.

The universal mind will begin seeding these thoughts into your mind, gradually raising your baseline vibration. Eventually these downloaded thoughts will be more preoccupied with creation and expression instead of maintenance and hygiene. But it’s not a process that you can rush or control in any way, it’s a process of complete surrender from beginning to end.

You don’t always get what you want, but you always get what you need.

Thanks for reading



The Aesthetics Of Everything
The Aesthetics Of Everything

Written by The Aesthetics Of Everything

Complex harmony is everywhere. Complex harmony is everything.

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