This One Article Will Make Your Life Purpose And The Law Of Attraction Simple And Obvious. Guaranteed.
The first thing people usually talk about when it comes to the law of attraction is the importance of visualisation.
Yes, visualisation is an important part of the law of attraction, but simply trying to visualise on it’s own does not constitute full mastery over the forces at play when it comes to LOA, not in the slightest.
At deeper levels, the real secret to the law of attraction is all about mastering how to internally self-generate positive feelings, emotions and thoughts without the aid of anything external.
Throughout the majority of someone’s journey to mastery over the law of attraction, the visualisation aspect should more or less happen by itself, as people naturally are inclined to day dream about their desires, but manifestation can also be performed intentionally if someone wishes.
Intentional control of the law of attraction is more of a “dessert”. The main course revolves around other considerations entirely, but if you take care of the main course, it will lead you straight to the dessert if you still wish to eat it. But it’s worth keeping in mind that desserts are something that should be eaten in strict moderation.
The only time you should really force your thoughts in any particular direction, or more preferably, halt them, is when they are negative and unpleasant in character.
It is important to prune away negative visualisations and worries about the future and replace them with optimism. It’s less about forcibly visualising the things we do want, and more about stopping all of the thoughts that are negatively charged and resonate with things we don’t want.
We should try to avoid forcing our visualisations by sitting down and intentionally trying to visualise something we think we want.
This is because most of the time the wants and desires come from our ego and not our higher self.
Ironically, once you have mastery over your internal emotional state, have completely divorced it from all external dependencies, and have thus in essence mastered the law of attraction, you may find yourself wanting for very little…
This is where the whole idea of the law of attraction collapses inwards on itself and inverts, evolving into something higher, and less materialistic.
This is because the process of mastering the law of attraction will have required the realisation that not all, but many external objects of desire have a much higher probability of lowering your baseline frequency of happiness in the long run instead of raising it.
It’s a strange truth, but it’s the truth nonetheless. Ask anyone successful what matters the most to them, and it will always be the simple things in life. Often the things that they had before they became successful.
Simultaneously Mastering and transcending the law of attraction
So how does one go about mastering their internal emotional state and divorce it from external factors? The key here is Self Love with a capital S and a capital L.
You have to let go of societal conditioning, let go of fear-based decision making, understand what can and cannot be, and start living in alignment with who you were born to be.
How do you figure out how you were born to be? Well you certainly don’t do it by thinking really hard. It reveals itself to you gradually and subtly through emotional signals and a sense of flow, ease and general “rightness” in body and mind.
If you’re in an occupation which feels too demanding, boring or draining, then it’s probably not for you, either at all or in it’s current form or the way you are approaching it.
You need to relax expectations of yourself and of outcomes and simply do things for their own sake and for your own innate enjoyment of them, as natural urges arise inside of you. No aspiring for fame or even saving the world.
Ironically, those things are most likely to happen without you chasing them anyway, because when you are chasing something you feel incomplete, and this incompleteness will lower your vibration and make you less magnetic to the things you desire.
The process of finding one’s true passion is an essential step in the law of attraction that not many people talk about.
It is a process that requires nuanced observation of the subtle emotional sensations that arise in each situation. It is not something that can be figured out with the mind alone. Thoughts mostly get in the way.
This is because the genius within you that wants to express itself comes from the primordial, divine intelligence, which is non-symbolic and non-verbal in nature. The only way it can communicate to you is through feelings, which are much more powerful than words, and which will grow stronger until they can no longer be ignored.
Any ingested chemicals that influence the body in any way, like alcohol, caffeine, nicotine, even anti-depressants, all of these run the risk of separating someone from their emotional and bodily intuition which is trying to pull them towards their highest destiny.
(side note — antidepressants are an extremely complicated topic and are probably necessary in certain circumstances. This is not a call to anyone to go and throw their meds away cold turkey. likewise any extreme action taken towards oneself is not condoned in this article. Be patient and careful with yourselves!)
Chemicals will separate you from the innate, ultimate, primordial, unconscious intelligence that guides all things. Call it god, call it synchronicity, call it divine intelligence. It’s one of the foundational layers of existence, made out of bliss, love and joy.
Like a lucky child on Christmas day, the God Force’s only preoccupation is ever-unfolding play and fascination with it’s present environment. This is your natural state.
You will return to it when you remove all thoughts and behaviours which are entrenched in fear, scarcity, unworthiness, uncertainty, and any other thoughts which create negative emotional feelings.
The true nature of the universe is infinite love and abundance. any actions which come from a place of disbelief in this fact work against the law of attraction.
At all times there are signals that are trying to reach you, trying to show you which path that you would find the most success on. What do you find the most fun and ease doing? What lights you up inside naturally?
If it’s been a long time, go back to when you were a kid and rediscover your authentic tastes before society and parents and brain-washing educational systems came along and took a huge dump on your inner child, burying it under layers of shit!!!
These signals of bliss can get masked by the overpowering synthetic feelings that drugs are known to provide, so avoid them and try to pursue only natural highs.
A certain level of bravery may be required in order to fully pursue the intuitive impulses that you feel pulling you towards certain hobbies, skills, creative outlets, information and occupations. Standing fully in your authenticity takes courage.
You might be someone like me who has a need to express many ideas that most people would think are a sign of some sort of psychosis. But, respectfully, to hell with those people! I'll do me, You do you, and those people can go and do themselves too.
Focusing on self-love in this situation will shield you against any judgements that other people may have about your personal life preferences. After all, all you’re doing is following your highest excitement and trying to affirm life to it’s fullest and enjoy it. You’re not looking to harm anyone, so all judgements about you contrary to the beautiful truth should simply be ignored.
If your parents or friends have negative / judgemental opinions about a particular direction that you want to take, and if listening to them and considering their perspective feels constraining and depressing, simply acknowledge it for what it actually is; a reflection of their own misaligned beliefs, and respectfully ignore it.
If it feels like they are trying to hold you back, then their opinions are probably coming from an outdated paradigm of doubt and uncertainty which will have been programmed into them by society, so it’s not something you can even resent them for anyway.
Attracting what your soul wants vs attracting what your ego wants
If you think that the act of sitting somewhere and forcing yourself to visualise something that you want until you actually trick your brain into creating a corresponding emotional state sounds tedious and boring and weird, then you’re right. it’s all of those things.
And this is because this approach to the law of attraction is born from a place of egoic control instead of surrender into natural alignment.
Most people don’t know what they really want. What their soul truly wants.
Sure, they might have a checklist of shiny things in their head that they think they want or need, but often times, these desires do not come from the soul, but from the ego.
A lot of people shun their soul’s desires in favour of their ego’s desires because the desires of the soul are much more subtle and quiet than the loud and often times painful desires of the ego.
True alignment requires connecting to your soul. Your soul communicates through feelings.
As you continue to remove lack-beliefs from your mind, dissolve your lower ego, and trust the subtle emotional hints and cues that your soul sends you, you will start to manifest the situations and things that are actually right for you, from your highest authenticity.
You might not understand why you are being called towards certain things, and they might sometimes seem like they are at odds with what your egoic thinking mind is telling you to do. But in this moment, check to see if your egoic thinking mind is coming from a place of trust in infinite abundance, or a place of lack, unworthiness and scarcity. Listen deeply and uncover the roots of it’s cries of fear.
Gradually, as you carry on down this path, you will start to “remember” who you really are, and why you have been guided in this specific direction by your excitement and inspiration.
The egoic demands that plagued you yesterday will become quaint and lose their lustre as you start to unveil your true path, your true gifts, and what truly makes you happy.
The life we were given at birth was not chosen by accident, and whether you like it or not, it will be an influencing factor on what you can, can’t, should and shouldn’t do, until you die.
But this is not a cage trapping you, it is like a plant pot, designed specifically for you and your growth. And yes one day you will outgrow it and pass on to a bigger one.
The importance of strong spiritual beliefs and faith
When it comes to questions of philosophy that are currently unanswerable through scientific methods or otherwise, it is essential that we default to optimistic hypotheses instead of negative or neutral ones.
Belief and trust in a higher power, in infinite loving intelligence being at the centre of all things will help keep your vibration high no matter what and will always allow us to see a deeper, more profound and beautiful meaning behind whatever happens to us in life.
We bolster the strength of our soul with these optimistic beliefs, and are rewarded with feelings of calmness and ease which will create a vibration within us that is attractive to all that is meant for us.
However, this type of magical thinking is only for things that are definitively out of reach of our capacity for empirical observation. Insights from data and analysis and the scientific method are still important and not to be dismissed, as long as the science is objective and methodologically sound.
If we reject empirical data completely in favour of optimistic mental projections, we can become ungrounded and delusional. So a right synthesis and well honed discernment is required here in order to understand when to use faith and optimism, and when to pay attention to the empirically observable facts about reality.
To put it simply, if it’s unknowable then trust that the truth is positive in nature. If it’s or outside of your control, then trust that whatever happens is for the highest good of all.
Even if you cannot fathom how this can be the case, it’s important that this belief stays with you as it will make processing things much easier.
There are many beliefs like this that you can use to cope with any situation, no matter how dire it might be. It’s good to try and view things from a detached, cosmic perspective if things ever get rough, and to just try your best and keep the faith.
It’s always worked for me and I have no doubt it will work for you! Afterall, we’re all just beautiful specks of dust in the wind at the end of the day, so any suffering you may experience has to pass at some point! and from this perspective you can almost see everything as a game! A very immersive one, but a game none the less!
Letting go in order to receive
Another large part of this whole system of manifesting your highest life is understanding the importance of trust and letting go and really coming to grips with what this truly means.
Yes, in order to manifest what is truly best for you, you may need to let go of some, perhaps even all of your current desires, but these will be desires of your ego, not of your higher self.
At this point, it might feel like you have no free will, but this is just because you are still identified with your ego instead of your higher self.
When you begin to merge with your higher self, things will start to “click”. You will start to figure out why you like the things you like, and why you have been led down a certain path.
One of the most important beliefs or “optimistic hypotheses” for a spiritual seeker to have and maintain is faith in a higher intelligence that exists in all things. Another way to look at this is as “The divine plan”.
In a similar vein to what I said earlier; Because this intelligence is so primordial, it does not express itself in the same way as the brain does, using words and symbols.
It happens all by itself, with no conscious effort, with no thought, with no expectation, with no doubt about it’s own capabilities and with no fear. It primarily operates from a place of bliss, synchronicity, and the path of least resistance.
It might appear “slow” but in reality it is the fastest thing there is. It is the speed of evolution itself. Aligning with it is is less about speed and more about tempo and rhythm.
It might appear as weak and docile, but it in fact it is the only source of power that has ever existed and will ever exist. It is inexhaustibly loving and benevolent. It is unstoppable.
Your most authentic, inner, original self is what chose the life you have in the first place, so you have to trust in this and surrender to the experience of life that arises naturally from the hand of cards you were dealt at birth.
Doing this will put you on the path that your higher self outlined for you and you will then naturally start to dissolve your lower ego and merge with your higher self.
Then, in your earthly form you will wake up and remember who you truly are. From here you can carry on through life in complete authenticity and total alignment with the divine intelligence behind all things.
Your purpose is finding ever-unfolding and expanding joy in the present moment.
Usually this manifests naturally in some sort of creative outlet, as play is inherently creative. And from this, genius naturally arises.
None of this can be thought out and planned in advance though.
It involves cultivating an ambience in your environment and habits which is fertile soil for inspiration and then having the guts to follow that inspiration through, simply because it’s what feels good, regardless of if it makes any sense to anybody but you.
Trust in the supreme intelligence of the universe, and that it doesn’t make mistakes.
Whatever brings you your highest, healthiest, most authentic bliss was made that way for a reason. It’s your mission to hear the call and follow it wherever it wants to lead you to.
Just by doing this, you will receive everything you could have ever wanted, but at that point, you will have found the only real thing of any worth, and that is the bliss which comes from expressing ourselves through our gifts and exploring our passion.
More or less everything else materialistic which comes along as a result of the abundance and light that you generate internally will just be a distraction which will lead you astray.
Be generous and discerning and offload all excess abundance to those who truly need that specific thing.
Of course I am not promoting ascetism here, by all means live in your dream home and drive your dream car. But know that when you do have these materialistic things, their value will pale in comparison to the experience of alignment with your divine flow. There is no greater gift than this, and you already have it, you simply have to open yourself up and receive it.
Summary and Conclusion
The scope of this article is very large, and I have written a lot, so I think it would be a good idea to quickly and concisely summarise everything and conclude it all in an easily digestible way.
- The law of attraction does exist, but it cannot bring you what you truly desire in your heart of hearts, which is bliss and contentment with the present moment.
- It cannot bring you this because this is something that you already have, it’s just buried within you underneath layers of egoic fear, control and feelings of lack and unworthiness.
- There is no higher pleasure than sharing your “gifts”, the things you were naturally born to do and find enjoyment in, with other people.
- being in the flow of authentic, passionate self-expression is a priceless experience. it simply does not exist on the same spectrum of value as caviar and Lamborghini yachts, and you already have it. It is both the greatest thing you will ever receive, and your key to receiving everything else, should you wish to obtain anything else.
- When you fully embrace yourself and Love your Self with a capital L and a capital S: by looking after your body, staying positive, listening to your feelings and pursuing what you love for it’s own sake, with no need of recognition or success or anything like that, because you know that you are perfect as you are, then you will naturally vibrationally match the experience of worldly success because you have both transcended it and found it within yourself. And even if for some strange reason worldly success didn't come to you, you would be too absorbed in your own bliss to give a flying fuck anyway!
- The law of attraction is not about visualisation, it’s an emotional state of being and an unconscious, natural belief-system which revolves around innate abundance as a birth right for every living thing.
- visualisation is very difficult to get truly right anyway, as it’s usually done from the perspective of the little ego and from a place of yearning and lack. So be very careful about what you visualise because what your little ego wants might actually be a prison for your soul / higher self.
- Simply focus on making the most out of the moment and what you can do in the moment to raise your vibration both now and in the long term and you will always be happy and content. This is an extremely attractive and magnetic frequency not only to other people, but to all good things, as like vibrations attract each other.
- If your mind thinks it needs to do something, but the body and heart responds to that with pain and discomfort, then that’s probably not the right way.
- Focus more on removing obstacles and obstructions and seeing what your unobstructed energy wants to do of it’s own accord instead of forcing it in a direction you think it should go.
- Your path may not make sense, but if it is what makes you feel the best then nothing will be able to match it in terms of the abundance that will be generated from it. True abundance isn’t transactional, you don’t have to do something to get something. When fully in alignment, Simply being is synonymous with receiving.
- This is how the universe really works because in truth, no matter what they print in the newspapers, there is no scarcity, only abundance, and all you are supposed to do with your willpower is not use it to struggle, but just use it to intelligently nudge yourself every now and then in the direction of your joy. This might seem too good to be true, but this is the true nature of the universe and coming to understand this truth and fully embody it is what it means to live and spread light as a spiritually awakened being.
- every occurrence of evil or lack that you see in the universe is simply a manifestation of someone else’s lack beliefs and disconnection from source.
- And if you’re still doubting the abundant nature of the universe: the whole thing literally just appeared out of nothing one day with the big bang, what could conceivably be more abundant than that? :P
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